Six conclusions of CGI
1. CGI is a verb, not a noun (i.e. we need action)
2. Sustainability is only possible with profit
3. Mass participation is important
4. Inclusion matters
5. Private-public cooperation is crucial to development
6. The current financial crisis is no excuse for delayed action
Impressive people
1. Lee Kwan Yew has a distinctive insight about all the most urgent global problems -- overpopulation, the solution of which is to promote education for women and equal job opportunities
2. Bill Clinton's last speech with the two stories, first about a Cambodian child and second about a family which has only one child out of ten surviving the Tsunami, was incredibly touching
3. Jet Li obviously showed deep understanding about disaster relief, which supposedly is the conceptual basis of his One Foundation. His honest and candid style is certainly worthy of additional appreciation
... and many many others
How CGI works
A annual meeting that attempts to bring positive impact to the specified areas (e.g. climate change, healthcare, etc.) through sharing, discussion, interaction and commitment.
- what CGI is offering to members
a) a unique opportunity to socialize with many political, business and civil society leaders from different parts of the world
b) chance to listen to the viewpoints from the most important decision makers worldwide
c) continuous support in many different areas for members to realize their commitments
- what CGI is asking for from members
Commitments to make a contribution whose nature is new, specific and measurable, those who does not realize their commitment will have their membership terminated